Once the different activities (artistic and didactic workshops, training, public events...) were completed, all groups produced short video clips aimed at peers to promote the project and its objectives more widely.
Some groups chose to make a video representing the overall activities carried out at the local level with the project, while others preferred to focus on a specific activity, which they considered more significant (e.g. historical research, trip and experience in Auschwitz-Birkenau, outcome of workshops...).
In total, ten videoclips were produced and presented to a wide public (secondary school and university students, young people in general and also teachers, parents of the students, citizens…) during public events, meetings, lectures in order to:
- convey the memory of Porrajmos through the voices of the protagonists;
- raise awareness among the younger generations and the general public;
- disseminate anti-discrimination messages through art (drawing, graffiti, theatre and the production of animated videos...).
All the material produced will soon be available in a dedicated area of this website.